In our company we strongly believe that quality is not only applicable to finished products but does constitute a value which covers and affect our daily activities. Based on quality we have organized all the different departments of the workshop in order to achieve our primary goal which is the meeting of our customers’ requests. Thanks to our managerial system we can check the whole production phase. The production is checked through statistical processing of the analitycal reports filled in during control phases. The above method thus enable us to reduce the risk of defects down to the minimum.

Our attention towards the maintenance of high quality standards of the company organization is attested by the achievement of the quality system certifications as ISO 9001, ISO / TS 16949 dedicated to the suppliers of the automotive chain and AS / EN / JISQ 9100 for aerospace field suppliers.

The company OM4 has an internal analysis laboratory with a dedicated area of 220 sqm, fully air-conditioned.

Contact us to discover our machines in the Quality department

We are also able to carry out non-destructive testing of the components using the Penetrant Liquids method and the Ultrasound method since, in addition to having both the best equipment present in the market and dedicated environments, our technicians have been awarded the II Liv certifications. UNI EN ISO 9712 / II Liv. SNT-TC-1A.